It has been estimated that 1,043,449 people in England (2% of the population) have a learning disability. The numbers known to learning disability services are much smaller: an estimated 236,235 people. Figures taken from The Improving Health and Lives Learning Disabilities Observatory (IHAL), 2013

Learning disabilities are caused by something affecting the development of the brain. This may occur before birth (prenatally), during birth, or in early childhood. Learning disabilities can be caused by any one of a variety of factors, or by a combination. Sometimes the specific cause is not known. Possible causes includeContinue Reading

Having a learning disability means that people find it harder to learn certain life skills. The problems experienced vary from person to person, but may include aspects such as learning new things, communications, managing money, reading, writing, or personal care. Some people are born with a disability, whereas others mayContinue Reading