Supported living for people with learning disabilities is a way of helping adults to live as independently as possible. Our vision is a world where people with a learning disability are valued equally, listened to and included. We have been supporting people for years, so we know what quality support looks like. We can provide personal support to help you with things like getting dressed. We can also help you around the home, such as cooking a meal, and if you would like support to go out in the community or to do your favourite thing, we can help you to with that too.
The Government and Department of Health are clear that people with learning disabilities should be allowed to live as independently as possible to enjoy a more fulfilling life. We are supportive of this and are working to make sure all adults who are eligible are given the choice to live more independently.
We pride ourselves on offering the highest standards of person centred care within safe and homely environments. Our aim is to help everyone we support to lead fulfilled lives and where possible, achieve positive outcomes regardless of age or presumed ability.
Who we are
Our objectives
We want to have made a significant and measurable improvement to people’s attitudes towards people with a learning disability. We want to have contributed to improving the quality of life for people with a learning disability. We want more people with a learning disability to have stronger friendships and relationships,
What we think
Current situation People with a learning disability should be able to live their life in the way they choose, like anyone else. Getting the right care and support can be crucial for this to happen. Mencap believe that people with a learning disability must also have choice and control over where they live and
Our mission
is to transform society’s attitudes to learning disability and improve the quality of life of people with a learning disability and their families. Our big plan is divided into 6 priorities. These are the areas of life we want to have the biggest impact on, the areas where there is
What is a learning disability
How many people have a learning disability
It has been estimated that 1,043,449 people in England (2% of the population) have a learning disability. The numbers known to learning disability services are much smaller: an estimated 236,235 people. Figures taken from The Improving Health and Lives Learning Disabilities Observatory (IHAL), 2013
What causes a learning disability?
Learning disabilities are caused by something affecting the development of the brain. This may occur before birth (prenatally), during birth, or in early childhood. Learning disabilities can be caused by any one of a variety of factors, or by a combination. Sometimes the specific cause is not known. Possible causes include
Learning disabilities
Having a learning disability means that people find it harder to learn certain life skills. The problems experienced vary from person to person, but may include aspects such as learning new things, communications, managing money, reading, writing, or personal care. Some people are born with a disability, whereas others may
National Care Holdings
Supported living for people with a learning disability
A learning disability is a reduced intellectual ability and difficulty with everyday activities.
for example household tasks, socialising or managing money, which affects someone for their whole life.
People with a learning disability tend to take longer to learn and may need support to develop new skills, understand complicated information and interact with other people