End of Life Care concerns support for people dying from a disease or simply approaching death. The objective is to help them live comfortably and with dignity for the remainder of their life. Palliative care is End of Life Care that revolves around controlling pain and other symptoms as well as psychological and social support. 

Who does it concern?

Contrary to popular belief End of Life Care is not only limited to terminal cancer patients. According to the General Medical Council one is considered an End of Life Care patient when he/she has less than a year left to live which also include:

  • Patients with less than a few days or hours left to live or with incurable conditions.
  • Those suffering from pathologies with risk of dying if a sudden crisis in their condition occurs.
  • People with extreme life-threatening conditions caused by strokes, blood clots, etc. 
  • Have control over any decision about their care, even if it means entrusting someone else with a Lasting Power of Attorney to make those decisions.
  • Be able to decide where they want to spend their last days. 
  • Be surrounded by friends and family.
  • Be provided with the best support available regarding palliative care as well as psychological and social needs.
  • Make sure that ‘their affairs are in order’.

Where is End of Life Care provided?

Hospitals and their staff are not the only ones allowed to provide this type of care. Many other healthcare professionals may be involved such as general practitioners, nurses, hospices, nursing homes, social services.

In fact recent studies show that most of End of Life patients would rather receive care and spend their last days at home, surrounded with friends and family. The National Survey of Bereaved Relatives 2013 reveals that 79% had wanted to die at home while 83% of those who died in hospitals had wanted to die at home.

However the most important thing is to make sure that the highest quality of care is provided while insuring that communication is one point between the patient, his/her family members and the ones looking after him/her.